Karuna Reiki™

Sale price $747.00 Regular price $1,045.00


 You Must Be A Reiki Master To Take This Course!

Karuna Reiki ™ takes you deeper into the spiritual and healing abilities of this amazing energy.  You will learn 8 more symbols, each with a specific energy to assist with the healing that needs to take place.  This is the level in which you can send healing into past lives, clear karmic agreements, do psychic surgery and deep aura cleanses, and invoke your spiritual helpers and guides. Incredibly powerful, it assists with distance reiki, and working with resistant or deep seated issues.  You will leave with the ability to teach this incredible energetic healing technique!

Class cost from ICRT $1,045.00, Cost of my class $725.  To avoid the 3% credit card fee, you can zelle, or bring a check to class.  Payment plans are available.


2 days to complete-  4-6 hours each.  First day you are taught Karuna Practitioner levels one and two.  Second day you are taught Karuna Reiki Master level, which places you well to teach it!