Reiki Master Level Course Shinpiden -August 31st, Sept 1st, Sept 14th and 15th with flex day Sept 22nd

Sale price $550.00 Regular price $700.00

You must be Reiki Level Two. This is a four to five day intensive Reiki program which will place you well to be a Reiki Master Teacher.

Due to the overwhelming interest in this course, and with the understanding not all who come to me for the Master Level Program are taught by me, I am integrating a two hour refresher course into this.  People come to me from all lines of reiki, and at all levels of involvement.  Some haven't used it much, and others have incorporated reiki into their daily lives.  This refresher will level the field!

Go more deeply into the spiritual aspects of energy healing, chanting, toning, master level symbols and uses, gain the ability to empower others into the reiki system of healing with the Reiju. Learn the powerful techniques of beaming, distance empowerments, and doing a complete reiki session without moving. Learn the Hui Yin, how to work with the Micro-Cosmic Orbit, the 3 Part Deep Aura Cleanse , Violet Breath, working with the violet flame, the nine systems of energy in the body and how to work with them, the TCM byosen organs, Different Reiki techniques for specific issues, and how to start a reiki business. Not offered very often, this is the chance of a lifetime!  You can learn to teach in my apprenticeship program, and co-teach the lower levels with me until you feel ready.

Cost of this four-five  day (approx. 30 hours) intensive is $550.00.  Different Venues and payment plans available, just ask! pre-registration and payment required.  Due to the amount of coordination and planning that goes into this course, if you need to cancel up to one week before class, full refund will be given.  One week to 3 days before class starts, refund will be one half the tuition.  Under 3 days notice, no refund will be given.